From the Artist - Waya Gary Keene:
Originally the thought I had about this mural was to separate the couple with the man on the left and the woman on the right. I started painting the day after Valentine’s Day and wanted to continue with the feeling of love. Recent current violent events (mass shootings) where families were disrupted, were a big factor in bringing the couple together in the mural. We need to be loving to ourselves, our mates, our children, our elders, and our friends. We need to make good choices and failures, they’re hard on the heart. Be brave and be strong in your effort to make good choices. Love and honor all those I have mentioned.
About Waya'aisiwa Gary Keene:
My real name is Waya’aisiwa and I am of the Eagle clan from Acoma Pueblo. I am a self-taught artist. My trademark is the red headband and red arrowheads on my pieces. Some people say my paintings are medicine for the soul. I am a Vietnam era Navy veteran and a recovering alcoholic. I have been clean for 18 years. I hope my mural inspires you to do great and good things in your life.